Don’t Forget To Clean The Energy of Your Home!

sagesmudgestickWith the New Year here, most people feel motivated to start it off by doing a deep cleaning of their home. Organizing and cleaning the dirt, grease and grime are all essential, but have you thought about cleaning your home’s energy? Over time, the predominant emotion that occurs in your space gets imbued in the energetic matrix of your home. Whether thats illness and arguments or love and laughter or a mix of both, your home’s atmosphere could use a deep cleaning and the New Year is a perfect time to do so.

The Holistic Home Company offers “Home Sweet Laura 0124Home” a gift set that comes in a hand made birch wood box, burnished with a lotus. Inside is a bundle of sage, an aromatherapy spray of “Good Juju” and a good luck crystal. It is the perfect way to tackle this job. Here is how to use them all:

After deep cleaning your home, open the windows and light up a bundle of sage. Walk through your home wafting the smoke around. Visualize that you are getting rid of any negative energy. Spray the “Good Juju” Aromatherapy Spray on your mattress, closets, desks- anywhere you spend a lot of time or where you want to clear out negative vibes. This spray is a powerful trifecta of three essential oils that have been used for ages in clearing ceremonies: sage, palo santo and frankincense.



Nowadays, cleaning the energy of your home is not considered some New Age nonsense – but a vital component in raising awareness between the connections of self and space. You can go into any Whole Foods and find a rack of sage or sweet grass for this purpose!

Ring in the New Year with a clean slate, go sage your Home Sweet Home right now!


About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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