My Intent: To Have Mallika Chopra Write The Foreward For My Book

I’ve never written a post before that was just directed toward one person only. But it’s my intention that this one individual will read this and feel inspired to write the foreward for my upcoming book, The Holistic Home: Feng Shui Your Mind Body Spirit Space and understand why she is a perfect fit. Mallika, I hope you are reading this, because this is for you, my Intent Mentor.

A Brief Background

It all began with a diagnosis of a rare bone marrow cancer that switched my vocational trajectory and made me look at my life in a deeper way. In doing so, a series of serendipitous events led me to my career as a Feng Shui consultant. Over the next decade, I became known for yanking this ancient art into the 21st century – taking out the superstitions based in fear, making sense of the esoteric, folding in psychology, design, the power of intention and presenting it in a way that everyone from iconic developers to established, skeptical architects would “get”. From my lectures at Pratt to my television segments, people began to understand the connections between self and space and how to implement the change they desired. My favorite part however, was-and still is- going into my client’s homes and helping them connect the dots between their space and their self.

The Book

My client’s powerful stories of transformation (along with my own personal story) and a candid presentation on Feng Shui of what works and what doesn’t is the basis for the book. The one common thread throughout is about tapping into the power of intent in three specific ways. I’ve often described Feng Shui like this: It’s not about moving your couch and getting rich. It’s about making the connections between your health, your goals, your relationships, your career, your family, (your life!) to your space, establishing a clear intention and creating an environment that truly supports that. Your home is the intimate space that you have created that inevitably tells your story and can reveal your challenges and weaknesses. And the most effective way for you to activate the change you desire is by putting your intent into action holistically: your mind, your body, your spirit and your space.

the_power_of_intention-300x161For example, when you realize exactly what your clutter specifically represents and you begin to make mind/body/spirit/space changes in addressing that core issue, only then can a major transformation occur. The Mind portion is starting with rolling up your sleeves and examining the subconscious meanings to the issue and then formulating and saying your intention out loud. The Body is the action – it’s the physical movement that you take while merging it to your intention. The Spirit is the karmic lessons, the soul’s aspiration. It’s about visualizing the exact end result that you desire. So, when you take out a big, bag of clutter out of your home you are attaching a negative emotion to it about yourself that you are also getting rid of. By dovetailing your intent to a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual connection in your home you are allowing the best to unfold in your self and space. You are creating an environment that truly supports your intentions and you are living a life that is richer, more meaningful and fuller.

Why I Choose Mallika

Mallika has not only realized the might and power of instilling change through intention, she has created a whole website called,  an app and a lifestyle movement about it. She has grown up with intention as her foundation and is the pioneer for living and parenting more consciously. She is the ambassador for positive change starting from within. Like myself, she understands the strength that lies in the simple beginning of “I Intend to…”

My intent is out there to the Universe and I remain positive that Mallika will want to adopt my intent and make it come true.




About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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