A Holistic Home means examining how your mind, body and spirit are all connected in your home and yourself.

The mind connections are the ways that our subconscious issues can show up in our space. It’s the psychology of how we dwell. It covers everything from the hidden issues that can be represented in our closets to the unrealized symbolism in our art work and much, much more. Addressing this area allows issues to come to the surface, brings clarity and helps focus our intentions and set our purpose.

The body connections are related to the aesthetics of design, green living, organization, levels of electro magnetic fields, balancing the five elements of nature and creating a healthy, efficient and beautiful home that supports and represents you and the loved ones you live with. Examining this area allows comfort, productivity and optimal wellness to flourish.

The spirit is the soul of the home and tackles predecessor energy, the flow of chi and ways to clear and consecrate the energies of your environment. Addressing the feng shui of your space enhances your personal faith and enables your environment to be in alignment with your goals.


A HOLISTIC HOME  is not about moving your couch and getting rich. Its not about placing Fu Dogs and firecrackers to find happiness. It’s not about superstitions and new age hokeyness. Like the Feng Shui that was born thousands of years ago to work with the wind and water patterns to generate prolific crops, Feng Shui has transformed through the ages as our needs, challenges and lives have changed.

Feng Shui Now means elevating how we dwell by looking deeper beneath the surface and making the connections between our spaces and ourselves

Even the popular Feng Shui practices of the ‘90’s are not the same Feng Shui needed for today. Revolutionary movements of conscious eating, technological advances and green living have naturally led to a new trajectory of enlightened living.

A Holistic Home means elevating how we dwell by looking deeper beneath the surface and making the connections between our spaces and ourselves. From our thoughts to our homes to our social media and everything in between, A Holistic Home addresses the way in which we live and how to live better, cleaner, healthier, happier and more balanced lives.

Feng Shui Now begins with the awareness of how our surroundings enormously affect our lives.

It begins with the awareness of how our surroundings enormously affect our lives. When its principles are utilized, a space immediately feels more comfortable and becomes more supportive to those who live or work in it. Feng Shui Now addresses the health, psychology, efficiency, spirituality and beauty of our spaces to create wholly balanced and transformed environments that are specific to our changing needs.