The Power and The Beauty of Essential Oils

EssentialOils-1024x681Essential oils are more than just a heady, intoxicating, concentrated scent that transports you to other worldly places. Each drop contains molecular DNA information from the plant, leaves, roots or flower they are steam distilled and cold pressed from. That means, if processed correctly, the plants intelligence is alive and active and can really have an impact on your state of mind, health and mood. There is a reason why rosemary will increase your memory, lavender will de-stress you, grapefruit will invigorate and chamomile will make you sleepy. It is all encoded in the lifeblood of that organism, the immune system, which protects it from predators and disease. Essential oils have been used through out the ages for medicinal and therapeutic purposes and have also been found to have great emotional and psychological healing effects.

While I know I can put a few drops of lemon in my vinegar/water for cleaning and use tea tree oil for an antibacterial/antiviral, I like to take it further. When I want to experience my brain functioning at maximum capacities, there are three scents together can kick it up a notch: grapefruit, rosemary and cedar wood. ( “Study” spray). When I want to float away in a deep and peaceful, restorative nights sleep, I use lavender, chamomile and sandalwood ( “Sleep” spray). When I want to clear the house of bad dreams, fear, arguments or anything else negative, I spray “Good Juju” which contains sage, palo santo and frankincense. Its mighty and powerful and has profound effects that you can truly feel immediately.4548718359400_400

My favorite essential oil tool has been my Muji Ultrasonic aromatherapy diffuser. I can add drops of whatever strikes my fancy and minutes later the room is filled with a scent  – not a manufactured scent from a synthetic source – but a real, live, organic scent carrying intelligence. Ylang yang, neroli and jasmine are heady, sensual scents I love to put in there and let the room envelope me in its lushness.


photo_homepageOn a daily basis, I am using TheHolisticHomeCompany’s sea salt scrub for my body and the sugar facial scrub. I add in the scents according to my mood and I am transported to another universe with smooth and glowing skin. Mornings I like to use lemon, grapefruit and a base note of patchouli to round it out. Its dynamic and reviving.

Ah, the glorious world of essential oils. If you want to learn more, go to: then click on “Aromatherapy Goods” at the bottom of the page, go to “Choosing Your Scents” to learn more.

About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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