Mighty Rituals To Ring in The New Year

When you usher in a new year, it is the most POWERFUL time to engage in small, but meaningful rituals with a big return on value. These rites of passage can be anything from mindfully cleaning surfaces in your home as a purifying ceremony for atonement of the past, to lighting incense for intention setting for the future. Dovetailing these mindful actions to the end-of-year cycle and to the start of a brand new one deepens the layer of effectiveness.

In ancient Chinese philosophy, the Tao represents the way of nature and how life is cyclical. Cycles are all around us; from sunrise to sunset, from birth to death so when we syncopate our own rhythms to those of the greater forces around us, the impact is profound. On a primordial level, we take subconscious guidance from these Universal forces and perform cyclical rituals automatically. We celebrate the anniversary of our birth with the orbital cycle of the sun. We “spring clean” our home after the cold stillness of the winter season comes to an end. So, when New Years Eve comes around, it just “feels right” to reflect on the past year when a fresh new one is about to begin.

Here are some simple acts that engage mind, body, spirit and space to help shed the old and support the freshness of a new year, allowing intentions, goals or resolutions to really get traction and manifest.

  1. We all know by now the value of clearing clutter. If you can do a big full home clean out, great. Do it. But if you don’t have the time or energy, then pick one: a junk drawer, medicine cabinet or your pocketbook. These often overlooked receptacles can become jumbled messes since they don’t get cleaned as often as they could. The key is, as you are cleaning out, attach any undesirable attributes about yourself to what you are tossing. Old receipts, expired meds, broken items all become representations of your anxiety, worry or self doubt that you are metaphorically and literally getting rid of. Combining both (the physical with the action) is what makes the difference for an effective result.
  2. Clean all surfaces in your immediate environment: counter tops, cabinets, mirrors, coffee and dining tables. Having sparkling clean and clear planes around you supports clarity of thought. Being clear helps you operate at a higher level in all areas of your life with precision, focus and meaning. When you are in this state, decisions are easier, your emotional health thrives and it is easier to get things done.
  3. After cleaning, burn some sage and waft it around your home. Then set your intentions for your goals for the new year. This is the time to THINK BIG. Put it in writing and then say it out loud if you can. Be mindful of your words. Don’t say, “I want abundance!” That could bring an abundance of bills or an abundance of weight on your hips. Be specific.

These three tasks should take anywhere from one to 2 hours. As you are editing, purging, cleaning, wafting and manifesting, be detailed in your visualizations and certain in the knowing that the outcome you desire will happen.

Happy New Year. Wishing you all the best in Mind, Body, Spirit and Space.

About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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