7 billion souls

Life is full of many small moments. So small, they often pass us by without even knowing they’ve occurred. Their only presence, a brief imprint on our awareness radar. It’s a look Planet_earth_by_arghusof understanding exchanged between two moms on the checkout line as one of their kids throws back their head and howls. A relieved wave from one driver to the next as they motion each other on to the road.  A  touch on the arm from a friend who’s happy to see you.  The extended hand that helps you up when you trip and fall as you run through a closing subway door. It’s a warm smile from a complete stranger that has you smiling in return. Small, quick interactions we file away and then move away from, while intent to continue on our path.

I believe it is these small moments that link us all together, reminding us; we’re never alone on this beautiful blue planet of 7 billion souls. An act of kindness from one human being to another can cross any barrier; whether it’s social, cultural, physical, economic or emotional.  I may not understand what the sweet Asian man is saying to me as I help him pick up the books he has dropped, but I understand his smile and better yet, my soul acknowledges his soul when our eyes meet. It’s a brief, fleeting moment, but we have connected on a basic human level. Taking time to recognize these moments is essential to maintaining our connection to one another, especially now. The fast pace of our media-driven world combined with the heart-wrenching and sometimes violent events of recent times here in the US and abroad, can sometimes cloud the viewfinder of our soul. What links you, me, our loved ones and strangers all together is knowing we’re human. We’re all trying really hard to do the best we can and we’re intricately connected by these small, fleeting events that remind us we’re part of a universal tribe.  The next time you experience one of these vignettes, hit the pause button for just a moment before you move on. Recognize and appreciate it, and then hopefully, with a smile on your face, you continue on your path.

About Lisa Rodriguez

Guest Blogger  - Life is busy in South Florida for the former teacher, mother of two and wife of an über executive, but never too busy to stop, smell the sunblock and make some thoughtful observations of the incredibly wonderful world we live in. Learning as she goes, Lisa shares what she knows.
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