A Deep Cleaning Revelation

woman-cleaning-closet1I recently acted upon some great advice my sister Laura gave me about applying Feng Shui principles in my home. I cleaned out closets, de-cluttered the playroom, organized the chaos of my kitchen cupboards and finished with the grand finale of repainting my daughter’s bedroom serene ocean colors.

Feeling satisfyingly holistic, I couldn’t help but feel a little out of sorts when no one seemed to notice the amazing changes that had taken place in our environment. ‘What do you think of our closets?” I asked my husband.  “…What about them?” he asked.  I happily flung open the doors of our entertainment closet to reveal neat, orderly shelves that hadn’t seen the light of day since we moved in 13 years ago. “Looks good” he murmured, adding “did you color your hair? It looks nice”.

Hmmm. Wasn’t what I expected, but I tried again with my daughter; “How do you like your newly painted Tahitian Turquoise walls?” I asked.  “I love it Mom, what’s for dinner?”  My son wanted to know what I had done with the thousands of extra Lego pieces that were now missing after my de-cluttering foray into the playroom.

I gave up and went to soak in the splendor of my newly organized, color-coded bedroom closet.  Oh! It felt so good to be surrounded by neatness- I was moved to do a brief moonwalk within the confines of my closet.

Reveling in the feeling of lightness that accompanies a good deep cleaning, I was struck by a sudden flash of insight; the changes we make to our environment effect us all in different ways.  Through the act of cleaning, organizing and adding new colors to the walls, I too, felt clean, organized, and while not Tahitian Turquoise, definitely a brighter shade of me.

About Lisa Rodriguez

Guest Blogger  - Life is busy in South Florida for the former teacher, mother of two and wife of an über executive, but never too busy to stop, smell the sunblock and make some thoughtful observations of the incredibly wonderful world we live in. Learning as she goes, Lisa shares what she knows.
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