How To Set Up Your Home For Healing

IMG_4574  Whether you are struggling through a chronic illness, on the post-op mend or you just desire to improve your well-being, there are particular actions you can take in your home to optimize your health. Here are my top six tips:


 Clear the Damn Clutter Already

Clutter jams up the energetic pathways, slows the healing process, enhances feelings of chaos and conflict and diminishes lucid thinking. If you still need more motivation, read my latest article in this months Spirituality and Health Magazine which gets into the emotional underpinnings of it all.


 Burn Some Yerba Santa

There are many different types of sage and other herbs to choose from to perform a cleansing ritual in your home. Last week I discovered Yerba Santa in a store with a mighty vibrational energy called Tree of India in Ft. Lauderdale. (Owner Jessica Lohrey Cobb attributes the uplifting atmosphere to doing yoga in the space every morning and selling items like her line of essential oils that carry a higher vibrational frequency). Yerba Santa, which means holy herb “has a long history of being an altar offering and is ideal for creating a healing environment due to the energetic properties of the herb” explains Cobb.

After I wafted a parcel of the smoking herb throughout my home and said my healing intentions aloud, there was a palpable energetic difference that I had never felt before when using other typical sage or cedar choices. Let the healing begin. Don’t forget to sage yourself too!


Say It Loud, Say It Proud

Bring your healing affirmations to visual life. You can spell it out with sticker letters, print it on a post it, or choose swirling cursive with a dry erase marker on your mirror. However you do it, just get it in front of your face so you can see it every day and repeat it as much as possible. Try “I am healthy” or “Every cell in my body is vibrant, healthy and strong!”

 Expand Your Medicinal Tools

The typical medicine cabinet may run the gamut from aspirin to Xanax. For most people, these are the go-to items to consume without question. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes a pharmaceutical intercession is necessary. My husband had surgery for the first time in his life a few days ago and afterwards took one prescription pain pill to help him get through the post operation misery.  I encouraged him to do so. But I also brought in my own alternative arsenal to assist in the healing process: Crystals, Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards, Essential Oils, a Zero Point Beamer and my homeopathic pellet kit.


If this all seems a little to out there for you, start off with one category that you resonate with and master it. If you connect to your sense of smell the most, learn which essential oils can support your specific needs and then expand your repertoire of remedies. For example, keep tea tree oil on hand to use as an anti bacterial or anti-viral. If you are more visually stimulated, discover the beauty of items from nature like a gorgeous crystal. Research them. Discover which geode or mineral relates to supporting your own specific ailment and place it in your home in a place that feels honored or prominent.

The Scent of Good Health

A healthy home is a clean home that smells good. No way around it. From the obvious reasons (mold, bacteria, unhygienic conditions) to the obscure (stain resistant coatings on couches, wall-to-wall carpeting, heavily toxic cleaners) a healthy home is its own living, breathing entity that needs to have fresh air circulating and vital, natural sources of good-smelling wellness throughout. Tap into essential oils from nature for your household needs: drops of orange oil can be added to vinegar/water solutions to clean just about everything, lemon can uplift your mood in an instant and geranium can balance your hormones. A home that not only smells good but uses scents in restorative and therapeutic ways helps accelerate the healing process and encourages wellness in a multi-layered way.

 Get Real

Toss anything that is dried, dead or fake. These low energy dust collectors only represent what was once full of life, but is now dead. Caring for real plants in your home takes dedication and cultivation which create a feeling of compassion in your space. The energy is significantly different inside a home where there is real, live foliage rather than an ersatz representation.

A clean, fresh home that is void of clutter and toxicities is a home that supports healing in the best way possible. When your home is connected to nature, inspires you and holds meaning, you are truly creating a sacred space that elevates your healing process.

About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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