The Holistic Home School of Feng Shui Online Certification in 2021!

In July 2019 I launched my own school of Feng Shui based in the style I’ve developed over the last two decades and also what my book is based on, The Holistic Home: Feng Shui for Mind, Body, Spirit, and Space. The all inclusive retreat in upstate New York was a huge success and the intention was that I would offer this retreat once a year.  Before the next in-person round could occur the following year,  COVID happened and I took the course online. This past Fall I had the honor of teaching 10 incredible women this course for seven weeks. Now, when Tuesday night comes around, I find myself missing them all. I learned that there are definitely advantages to having this course via zoom. It allows for an intensive load of curriculum to digest and be applied in real world applications much easier. This January 2021 I am so excited to be offering this online certification course once more. 

Along with the weekly 2 hour lectures, there are homework projects that students are encouraged to complete. The entire course is based on my book, which is a new, updated style of Feng Shui that is formed, among other tenants, on the aesthetics of interior design, the psychology of how you dwell, and connecting the dots between whatever your challenges are in life and how they will be manifesting in your space.

As a Holistic Feng Shui consultant you will be able to recognize the deeper, emotional underpinnings in your clients space that relate to their issues and offer ways to support their desire for change. Another key component of the book and course is doing the spiritual work on oneself in order to become a clear, intuitive, grounded tool to facilitate these concepts to clients. To encourage those aspects, in this last online class cycle I treated all the students to a remote reiki session to open their third eye. Count on receiving some surprises this cycle as well.

I love to blend the esoteric and spiritual with pragmatic, relatable approaches, which is why this is the only Feng Shui course in the country that shares its curriculum with an AIA credited seminar for established architects at the prestigious Pratt Institute, as well as wining the Gold from the Independent Publishers award. This approach of blending left brain/right brain, yin/yang and modern concepts while also honoring some ancient traditions and rituals is a system that I have found is the most transformative and relatable. 

For details about the curriculum and more information, please go here.

I hope to see you online via zoom in January!

About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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