What does MIND BODY SPIRIT SPACE really mean?

Most people are familiar with the term Mind, Body, Spirit. Twenty years ago, I coined the term Mind, Body, Spirit, Space because as a holistic feng shui consultant, I found that your environment is where all aspects of Mind, Body and Spirit come together. It was the missing link in concepts of “everything is connected,” improving your wellbeing, holistic spirituality and addressing all the parts of ourselves that make the whole. 

When I teach holistic Feng Shui in my online certification classes, or when I am with a client for a consultation, I always make suggestions that are based on the Mind portion – which is the psychology of how we dwell and your subconscious, the Body, which is all things physical, furniture placement, color, design, organization and structural issues . Spirit, which is the atmosphere, the energy, chi and feng shui. Space is where it resides, where it all components come together.   I can clearly connect the dots of Mind, Body and Spirit in your Space.  I found that only when all four components are addressed, can an effective, long lasting transformation really happen. 

Years of consultations of making these connections, led me to my book, The Holistic Home: Feng Shui for Mind, Body, Spirit, Space and my company, TheHolisticHomeCompany.com where a few products online eventually grew to divisions of Beauty, Wellness, Home Goods, Pets, Mens Products, Herbals Teas  and Canine products. Then the online business grew to a flagship store and a Wellness Center. In all I do, I keep trying to push the narrative forward about the importance of addressing all the parts that make the whole.

That is why every single product we make explains these connections. For example, the label on the Good Juju Body Wash will encourage you to visualize you are releasing anything negative (Mind) as you shower away the day. The Body portion is the plant based ingredients that are effective, sustainable and leave your skin silky smooth. The essential oils of sage, palo santo and frankincense are three major energy shifters that give your brain a directive and help you release what no longer serves you. The body wash, like nearly all our products, comes with a crystal for your space. Whether its body wash, a candle or a cup of reiki charged herbal tea, every product we make is imbued with good energy and details how to make these connections for yourself. 

By heightening your awareness to these connections all around you, especially in the rituals you do on a daily basis, it can help you live a more meaningful, richer life.

Wishing you all the best in Mind Body Spirit and Space.


About Laura Benko

Holistic Feng Shui Expert, Author, CEO of The Holistic Home Company.
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